From The Bookman: Review of The Yellow Book THE YELLOW BOOK. Vol. V., April, 1895. Boston: Copeland & Day. $1.50 net. Certain occurrences in London…
From The New York Times: “That Yellow Nuisance Again” THE YELLOW BOOK. An Illustrated Journal. Vol. IV. January, 1895. Boston: Copeland & Day. The character…
From The Literary World: “London Letter” In the latest issue of the Yellow Book Mr.John Lane gives a drawing by a young man of genius,…
From The Graphic: “The Yellow Book” The bright lights of The Yellow Book show no signs at present of failing. Some of the soberer spirits…
From Current Literature: Review of The Yellow Book The fourth volume of the Yellow Book is out, and doubtless, says the New York Tribune, there…
From The Critic: “A Yellow Indecency” THE EDITORS OF The Yellow Book attracted attention to that quarterly at first by the novelty of its make-up,…
From The Bookman: Review of The Yellow Book THE YELLOW BOOK. Vol. 4. 5s. net. (John Lane.) There is greater average merit in the latest…
From The Dial: “One Year of the ‘The Yellow Bookʼ” “The Yellow Book” always contains such a variety of things that it would go hard…
From Studio: “New Publications” The Yellow Book. Volume III. (London: JohnLane. Price 5s. net.)— The art of The Yellow Book is the art of Aubrey…
From The Spectator: “The Yellow Book” THE third volume of The Yellow Book is the first that has been issued by Mr. John Lane at…