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I. Home . . . . By Richard Le Gallienne Page 11
II. The Bohemian Girl . Henry Harland . . 12
III. Vespertilia . . . Graham R. Tomson . . 49
IV. The House of Shame . H. B. Marriott Watson . 53
V. Rondeaux d’Amour . Dolf Wyllarde . . . 87
VI. Wladislaw’s Advent . Ménie Muriel Dowie . 90
VII. The Waking of Spring . Olive Custance . . 116
VIII. Mr. Stevenson’s Fore-runner     James Ashcroft Noble . 121
IX. Red Rose . . . Leila Macdonald . . 143
X. Margaret . . . C. S. . . . . 147
XI. Of One in Russia . . Richard Garnett, LL.D. . 155
XII. Theodora, a Fragment . Victoria Cross . . . 156
XIII. Two Songs . . . Charles Sydney . . 189
XIV. A Falling Out . . Kenneth Grahame . . 195
XV. Hor. Car. I. 5 . . Charles Newton-Robinson 202
XVI. Henri Beyle . . . Norman Hapgood . . 207
XVII. Day and Night . . E. Nesbit . . . 234
XVIII. A Thief in the Night . Marion Hepworth Dixon . 239
XIX. An Autumn Elegy . . C. W. Dalmon . . 247
XX. The End of an Episode . Evelyn Sharp . . . 255
XXI. 1880 . . . . Max Beerbohm . . 275
XXII. Proem to “The Won-derful Mission of Earl Lavender”     John Davidson . . 284


The Yellow Book—Vol. IV.—January, 1895


Front Cover, by Aubrey Beardsley
Title Page, by Aubrey Beardsley

I. Study of a Head . . By H. J. Draper . . Page 7
II. A Sussex Landscape . William Hyde . . 45
III. Hotel Royal, Dieppe     Walter Sickert . . 80
IV. Bodley Heads. No. I : Mr. Richard Le Gallienne
V. Portrait of Mr. George Moore
VI. Rustem Firing the First Shot     Patten Wilson . . 118
VII. A Westmorland Village . W. W. Russell . . 144
VIII. The Knock-out . . A. S. Hartrick . . 152
IX. Design for a Fan . . Charles Conder . . 191
X. Bodley Heads. No. 2 : Mr. John Davidson     Will Rothenstein 203
XI. Plein Air . . . Miss Sumner 235
XII. A Lady in Grey . P. Wilson Steer 249
XIII. Portrait of Emil Sauer
XIV. The Mysterious Rose Garden     Aubrey Beardsley . . 273
XV. The Repentance of Mrs. ****
XVI. Portrait of Miss Wini-fred Emery
XVII. Double-page Supple-ment : Frontispiece for Juvenal

Back Cover, by Aubrey Beardsley


MLA citation:

“Contents.” The Yellow Book, vol. 4, January 1895, n. page. Yellow Book Digital Humanities, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2010-2014. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.