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XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS BLAKE’S PROPHETIC BOOKS                        EDITED BY A. G. B. Russell & E. R. Maclagan.        JERUSALEM.            Cr. 4to, 6/- net. A. H. Bullen, 47, Great Russell…


XML     PDF Critical Introduction to The Green Sheaf No. 2, 1903 Figure 1. Pamela Colman Smith, Colour Palette for Green Sheaf No. 2. Courtesy…


PDF DECORATIVE BORDER FOR “AUTUMN” BY DOROTHY WARD MLA citation: Ward, Eleanor Vicocq. “Autumn,” decorative border by Dorothy P. Ward. The Green Sheaf, No. 7,…


XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS BLAKE’S PROPHETIC BOOKS                        EDITED BY A. G. B. Russell & E. R. Maclagan.        JERUSALEM.            Cr. 4to, 6/- net. A. H. Bullen, 47, Great Russell…


PDF ILLUSTRATION FOR “FRIENDS” BY GRANT LEWIS MLA citation: Grant, Lewis. Illustration for “Friends,” by Cecil French. The Green Sheaf, No. 4, 1903, p. 7.…