PATTEN WILSON MLA citation: Patten Wilson, Photograph, c. 1930, Private Collection. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities,…
OSCAR WILDE BY W. & D. DOWNEY MLA citation: W. & D. Downey. Mr. Oscar Wilde, Photograph, 1889, The Clark Library, UCLA. Yellow Nineties 2.0,…
GLEESON WHITE BY FREDERICK HOLLYER MLA citation: Hollyer, Frederick. Gleeson White, Photograph, Die Kunst in der Photographie, 1897. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen…
THEODORE WATTS-DUNTON MLA citation: Elliott & Fry. Theodore Watts-Dunton, Photograph, Frontispiece from The Life and Letters of Theodore Watts-Dunton, edited by Thomas Hake and Arthur…
GRAHAM TOMSON (ROSAMUND MARRIOTT WATSON) MLA citation: Graham Tomson (Rosamund Marriott Watson), Photograph, Frontispiece for Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson, John Lane The Bodley Head,…
ARTHUR SYMONS BY ROBERT BRYDEN MLA citation: Bryden, Robert. Arthur Symons, Woodcut, 1898-99, William Archer, Poets of the Younger Generation, 1902, p. 410, Mark Samuels…
ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE BY ELLIOTT & FRY MLA citation: Elliott & Fry. Algernon Charles Swinburne, Photograph, 1879, Edmund Gosse’s The Life of Algernon Charles Swinburne,…
SIR JOSEPH WILSON SWAN BY MARY E. SWAN MLA citation: Swan, Mary E. Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, Photograph, c. 1890-1900. F.R.S.: a memoir, M.E.S. and…
ALMA STRETTELL BY JOHN SINGER SARGENT MLA citation: Singer Sargent, John. Alma Strettell, Oil Painting on Canvas, 1889. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen…
PORTRAIT OF W. STRANG BY WILLIAM STRANG MLA citation: Strang, William. Portrait of W. Strang, Etching, c. 1890, William Strang: Catalogue of His Etched Work,…