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CARL HENTSCHEL MLA citation: Carl Hentschel, Retouched Photograph, 1900, British Printer, vol. 13, no. 77. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University…


HENRY HARLAND BY HENRY HARLAND MLA citation: Harland, Henry. Pen-and-ink sketch of Henry Harland on autograph manuscript poem by Harland, c. 1882. Mark Samuels Lasner…


PORTRAIT OF KENNETH GRAHAME BY E.A. WALTON MLA citation: Walton, E.A. Portrait of Kenneth Grahame, Drawing, 1896, The Yellow Book, volume 8. Yellow Nineties 2.0,…


MR. T.C. GOTCH, 1895 BY ARTHUR TANNER MLA citation: Tanner, Arthur. Mr. T. C. Gotch, 1895, Photograph, 1895, Black and White: A Weekly Illustrated Record…


SIR EDMUND GOSSE BY JOHN SINGER SARGENT MLA citation: Sargent, John Singer. Sir Edmund Gosse. Oil on canvas, 1886. National Portrait Gallery, London. Yellow Nineties…


PATRICK GEDDES MLA citation: Patrick Geddes on a field study outing, Photograph, 1890, University of Dundee Archive Services. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine Janzen…


MICHAEL FIELD [KATHERINE BRADLEY AND EDITH COOPER] MLA citation: Michael Field (Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper), Carte de Visite, Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, University of…


GEORGE EGERTON [MARY CHAVELITA DUNNEĀ  BRIGHT] BY E.A. WALTON MLA citation: Walton, E.A. George Egerton [Mary Chavelita Dunne Bright], Drawing, 1895, The Yellow Book volume…


ELLA HEPWORTH DIXON MLA citation: Ella Hepworth Dixon, Photograph, ca. 1895. Reproduced from Ella Hepworth Dixon, As I Remember Them, London: Hutchinson & co., Ltd.,…


ERNEST DOWSON MLA citation: Ernest Dowson, Photograph, 1905, The Poems of Ernest Dowson, John Lane, The Bodley Head, vii. Yellow Nineties 2.0, edited by Lorraine…