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XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament THE WORK OF CHARLES RICKETTS PRE-RAPHAELITE!—the term is accepted, and a singularly individual movement of roman- ticism in literature and…


XML   PDF DAVID GWYNN — HERO OR ‘BOASTING LIAR’? (From ‘Historical Problems’) I  ‘A GALLEY lie’ ye call my tale; but he      Whose talk is…


XML   PDF THE DEATH OF TINTAGILES BY MAURICE MAETERLINCK   Translated by ALFRED SUTRO                                         CHARACTERS TINTAGILES, YGRAINE, . . . .}                                                 Sisters of  TINTAGILES BELLENGÈRE,…


XML   PDF SONG                                     O HAVE you blessed, behind the stars,                                        The blue sheen in the skies,                                    When June the roses round her calls?—                                    Then do you know…


XML   PDF REVENAIT                         ET s’il revenait un jour                             Que faut-il lui dire?                        — Dites lui qu’on l’attendit                             Jusqu’à s’en mourir . . .                         Et s’il demande où…


XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament ON THE SHALLOWS ‘RAT-TA-TA, Fa-la-la! Fa-la-fa-la-La! Now you remember my tune, don’t you, Fan- tasio?’     ‘Yes, Lady, I remember it…


XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament NIGGARD TRUTH HARRIET came of farmers. The stout race hesitated and hoped in the strong girl; at last, for she…


XML   PDF MONNA ROSA                                     Elle est seule au boudoir                                    En bandeaux d’or liquide,                                    En robe d’or fluide                                    Sur fond blanc dans le soir                                    Teinté d’or vert et noir.…


XML   PDF Database of Ornament COSTELLO THE PROUD, OONA MACDERMOTT, AND THE BITTER TONGUE COSTELLO had come up from the fields, and lay upon…


XML   PDF ❧A ROUNDEL OF RABELAIS                               THELEME is afar on the waters, adrift and afar,                              Afar and afloat on the waters that flicker and gleam,                              And…