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                              THELEME is afar on the waters, adrift and afar,
                              Afar and afloat on the waters that flicker and gleam,
                              And we feel but her fragrance and see but the shadows that mar

                              In the sun-coloured mists of the sunrise and sunset that steam
                              As incense from urns of the twilight, her portals ajar
                              Let pass as a shadow the light or the sound of a dream.

                              But the laughter that rings from her cloisters that know not a bar
                              So kindles delight in desire that the souls in us deem
                              He erred not, the seer who discerned on the seas as a star

                                                                                                A. C. SWINBURNE.

                              ❧It is particularly requested that this poem should not be quoted as
                              a whole in any publication.

MLA citation:

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. The Pageant, 1896, p. 1. Pageant Digital Edition, edited by Frederick King and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2019-2021. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2021.