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XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament ALFRIC THERE were shouts that horribly clove the night air—the ring of axes on heavily smitten shields—every now and then…


XML   PDF THE SOUTH WIND I    The south wind rose at dusk of the winter day  The warm breath of the western sea  Circling wrapp’d the…


XML   PDF GROUPED STUDIES Mildred.     Four various impulses do battle in the heart of Mildred—wage in that breast of hers their long, uncertain fight.…


XML   PDF BY THE SEA THE mariners sleep by the sea.The wild wind comes up from the sea,It wails round the tower and it…


XML   PDF INCURABLE MIST hung gray along the river, and upon the fields. From the cottage, little and lonely, shone candlelight, that looked sad…


XML   PDF FOUR QUATRAINS YE cannot cheat the Master of your fate!   Proclaim the goal to which your feet are set,He who knows all is…


XML   PDF Database of Ornament WILHELM MEINHOLD (27 Jan. 1797—Nov. 31, 1851) THE historic novel might be set aside as wholly inartistic and impossible…


XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament A HANDFUL OF DUST A TRAVELLER wandered by night amid the ruins of an immense forsaken palace. Through portals, of…


XML   PDFDatabase of Ornament ❧ TALE OF A NUN SMALL good cometh to me of making rhyme; so there be folk would have me…


XML   PDF A DUET                                     ‘FLOWERS nodding gaily, scent in air,                                     Flowers posied, flowers in the hair,                                     Sleepy flowers, flowers bold to stare—’                                                      ‘Oh, pick me some.’                                     ‘Shells…