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XML     PDF COUNTESS MARIE OF THE ANGELS The Database of Ornament                                                                                                 À JEAN DE TINAN                                                    I     AS he turned out of his hotel in…


XML     PDF UNDER THE HILL  A Romantic Story The Database of Ornament CHAPTER IV     IT is always delightful to wake up in a new…


XML     PDF PUBLISHER’S NOTE MONSIEUR J. E. BLANCHE desires to state that the reproduction of his picture, “The Painter Thaulow and his Family,” in…


XML     PDF ON GOING TO CHURCH AS a modern man, concerned with matters of fine art and living in London by the sweat of…


XML     PDF TO NANCY                                                                         Weymouth, 29th September.     IT happens that I have seen much of you, Nancy, at an eventful moment—eventful for yourself I…


XML     PDF A GOOD PRINCE     I FIRST saw him one morning of last summer, in the Green Park. Though short, even insignificant, in stature…


XML     PDF THE EYES OF PRIDE To A. F.            “Pluck out the eyes of pride; thy lips to mine ?             Never, though I die thirsting!…


XML     PDF ZOLA: THE MAN AND HIS WORK     ZOLA’S name—a barbarous, explosive name, like an anarchist’s bomb— has been tossed about amid hoots and…


XML     PDF TWO LOVE POEMS                            THE SHADOWY HORSES I HEAR the shadowy horses, their long manes a-shake,Their hoofs heavy with tumult, their eyes glimmering…


XML     PDF DIEPPE: 1895                                                 I     I WENT to Dieppe this summer, with the intention of staying from Saturday to Monday.  Two months afterwards, I…