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The Yellow Book An Illustrated Quarterly Volume IV January 1895 Contents Literature I. Home . . . . By Richard Le Gallienne Page 11 II.…


The Yellow Book An Illustrated Quarterly Volume III October 1894 Contents Literature I. Women — Wives or Mothers     By A Woman . . Page 11…


The Yellow Book An Illustrated Quarterly Volume II July 1894 Contents Literature I. The Gospel of Content . By Frederick Greenwood Page 11 II. Poor…


XML   PDF THE PAGAN REVIEW                                                                                    No. 1                                                                        August 15, 1892          THE PAGAN REVIEW             Front Cover             Subscription Information . . . [ii-iii]             The Editor: Foreword…


XML   PDF TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                    No. 1                                                                        August 15, 1892          THE PAGAN REVIEW             Front Cover             Subscription Information . . . [ii-iii]             The Editor: Foreword…


BACK MATTER                                        THE PAGAN REVIEW.         PUBLISHED BY W.H. BROOKS, RUDGWICK, SUSSEX.             Subscription: Twelve Months, Post-paid, 12-/                                    Six Months,   „   „   6-/                                    Three Months,   „   „   3-/     * Subscribed copies MAY be the only…


XML   PDF CONTEMPORARY RECORD.                                           ME JUDICE.     The publishing season of 1892 is memorable for the commercial success of a biographical and philosophical book, The…


XML   PDF THE PAGAN REVIEW.     In the next number of The Pagan Review there will be an article entitled, “The New Paganism,” by H.…


XML   PDF “PASTELS IN PROSE.”*     Notwithstanding the fact that, as Mr. W. D. Howells has stated in the charming and too brief note which…