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XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. IN THE SEVEN WOODS: Poems chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age.    By W. B. Yeats. Hand-printed (Rubricated) by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats. Published…


XML     PDF CORNELION AND AMETHYST. There was once a shepherd youth called Cornelion. He was wont to tend his flock and pipe all day…


XML     PDF A PAGAN RHYME. The big men of the city    They walk her streets with ease,And rule her men like gentlemen    Careless whether they please—And…


XML     PDF A BALLAD OF A NIGHT REFUGE.             (To MAXIM GORKY.) Night after night, below the street,    We sank into the dark;A company of wretched…


XML     PDF DONALD DUBH. “Donald Dubh! Donald Dubh!” Ah! for pity’s sakeCry no more upon his name, lest my heart should break,Listen!—“Donald! Donald Dubh!”—how…


XML     PDF RECONCILEMENT. I begin through the grass once again to be bound to the Lord,    I can see, through a face that has faded,…


XML     PDF EVENTIDE. The lonely path that I would treadAt night-fall by the pixies led,It leadeth to the no-man’s landWhere plighted, linked lovers stand:—Lips…


XML     PDF THE LAMENT OF THE DEAD KNIGHT.     I hear my dear Love    Crying in the North,While all the ice-floes lay ’twixt me and her,And…


XML TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 2 Front Cover. by Pamela Colman Smith  [i]Untitled. [“The World of Imagination”], by William Blake  2       Illustration by W.T. Horton  2Illustrative Supplement. A…


XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. <h1>Advertisements.</h1> IN THE SEVEN WOODS: Poems chiefly of the Irish Heroic Age.    By W. B. Yeats. Hand-printed (Rubricated) by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats.…