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XML     PDF MANDOLINE (From the “Fêtes Galantes” of Paul Verlaine).            THE singers of serenades                  Whisper their faded vows        Unto fair listening maids            Under the singing boughs.             Tircis,…

Copy of Pageant_Volumes

PAGEANT VOLUMES Published by Henry and Co. in London, The Pageant was edited by Charles Shannon and Gleeson White and came out in two annual volumes in…


VENTURE VOLUMES The Venture: An Annual of Art and Literature was published by art gallery owner John Baillie in London. Volume 1, published in 1903,…


XML     PDF Prospectus THE EVERGREEN: A NORTHERN SEASONAL Spring 1895         THE EVERGREEN            A NORTHERN SEASONAL                        PART I. SPRING 1895         Under this title will be issued in…


XML     PDF              PAUL VERLAINE                            …