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Spring 1895

                        PART I. SPRING 1895

        Under this title will be issued in April the first number
        of a new organ of Literature and Art. This ‘Spring’
        Book will be followed by a Summer, an Autumn, and
        a Winter or Christmas Book. The contents of each
        number, prose and verse, pictures and ornament, will
        be in harmony with the season of its appearance. The
        four numbers thus definitely contrasted will seek to
        reflect the changing aspects of Nature and Human Life,
as these appear to men of different cultures and specialisms-to the artist
and the naturalist, to the student of history and the critic of social things.
The contents of this Spring Book-essays and stories, lyric and ballad


verse, pictures and decorations—are grouped into four sections, Spring
in Nature, Spring in Life, Spring in the World, and Spring in the North.
Three out of the four sections indicate the comprehensive purposes of
the new serial, and will be found to represent many varieties of subject,
standpoint, and even nationality. The remaining group-Spring in the
North-is an expression of that local association and personal comrade-
ship in which every new school and movement begins. The book has
taken form among a group of younger Scottish writers and painters,
students and men of science, whom historic sympathies and common
aims are bringing back to Old Edinburgh. Among the many associations
of the historic houses amid which they are making their homes, may be
mentioned one which has special relevance to the present venture, viz.,
that with Allan Ramsay, who edited and published, in 1724, an earlier
‘Evergreen,’ aiming at a return to local tradition and living nature.

Another characteristic note lies in the revival of Celtic ornament and
design, which will be a special feature in the decoration of the book.

The literary contributors to the present volume are: Victor Branford,
W. G. Burn-Murdoch, Alexander Carmichael, Patrick Geddes, ohn
Geddie, J. J. Henderson, Andrew and Dorothy Herbertson, Hugo Laubach,
Fiona Macleod, William Macdonald, Pittendrigh Macgillivray, Charles
Sarolea, Gabriel Setoun,William Sharp, Riccardo Stephens, and J.
Arthur Thomson; and the artists: W. G. Burn-Murdoch, Robert Burns,
James Cadenhead, John Duncan, Alice Gray, Helen Hay, P. Macgillivray,
Charles H. Mackie, Paul Serusier, William Smith, and William Walls.

        THE ‘EVERGREEN’ will be printed on rough paper
            by Messrs. Constable of Edinburgh, with coloured cover
            fashioned in leather by C. H. Mackie.
            THE BOOK OF SPRING, now in the press, will be
            followed in September by the BOOK OF AUTUMN.
            THE BOOK OF SUMMER will appear in May 1896,
            and the BOOK OF WINTER in November 1896. The
            first series will thus be complete in little over a year
            and a half from the present time
            Each part will be published at 5s net. The com-
            plete series of four volumes may be subscribed
            for at £I, post free.

The EVERGREEN will be published in EDINBURGH by
Patrick Geddes and COLLEAGUES, Lawnmarket,

and in LONDON by
T. FISHER UNWIN, Paternoster Square,
through whom the trade may be supplied.


                                    SUBSCRIBER’S ORDER FORM

        Please send me Part I. (……………or Parts I. II. III. IV.) of the

‘Evergreen’ -for which I enclose order for 5s. (……………or £I).

            Name, ……………………………………

            Address, …………………………………







MLA citation:

“The Evergreen: a Northern Seasonal Spring 1895 Prospectus,” The Evergreen: a Northern Seasonal, Evergreen Digital Edition, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2016-2018. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.