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Image is of a dark haired woman chasing three mice She is in the middle ground hunched over and looking downward at the mice Her…


Image is of a woman holding a large sphere in her left hand She is shown in profile looking to her left at the sphere…


Image is of a knight in armour lying in the grass beside a river He is sitting halfway up with his left elbow supporting him…


Image is of a woman shown full frontally at the top of a tower She is dressed in a long dress with patterned sleeves and…


Image is of two blooming trees on a hill at night The trees are tall and thick with many twisting roots growing in every direction…


Image is of a street in a town The road runs from the extreme left foreground to the middle of the image dividing the picture…


Image is of a cottage with peaked roof in the woods Two of its sides are visible the joint where the walls meet divides the…


Image is of a woman sitting in profile on a chair reading a book She has light coloured hair pulled back Her feet poke out…


Image is of Cupid with drawn bow and arrow He is shown in profile looking to the right with head tilted back He is almost…


Image is of three women on hilly terrain reading Herricks poetry together The woman reading the book is the leftmost figure Both of her hands…