Clemence Housman, detail of a photograph published in The Evening Standard, 1911, courtesy of Women’s Library Collection, London School of Economics, via Wikimedia Commons.
James McNeill Whistler, “Stéphane Mallarmé,” lithograph. Portrait frontispiece for Vers et Prose, 1892. Public domain, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harris Brisbane Dick Fund,…
Photograph of Ella D’Arcy. The Bookman, Dec. 1895. Public Domain.
Élie Reclus. Photograph by Paul Nadar, no date. Digitally retouched, Wikimedia Commons.
Y90s call for bios 2023.docx Y90s call for bios 2023.docx
Nellie Syrett (Helen Thorp). Undated Photograph. Courtesy of Osborne Collection, Toronto Public Library.
Figure 4. Nellie Syrett, Painted Silk Fan in The Studio (1902), Plate 15
Figure 3. Nellie Syrett, Cover design for The Other Side of the Sun (1900)