Published occasionally in London between 1889 and 1897, the five volumes of The Dial were edited by Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon. The editors published the first three volumes privately and the last two through the Vale Press run by Ricketts and Llewellyn Hacon. The Dial Digital Edition is based on physical copies held in Toronto Metropolitan University Library Archives and Special Collections and digitized copies from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press. Our PDFs have been uploaded to the Internet Archive so that a virtual facsimile in flipbook format is available for users.
The Y90s Database of Ornament allows users to study The Dial’s textual ornaments in individual detail and in comparison to textual ornaments in The Evergreen, The Green Sheaf, The Pageant, and The Savoy.
The Dial Digital Edition received support from a Linda H. Peterson Fellowship awarded by the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals and funded from the bequest of the Eileen Curran estate.
Editor: Lorraine Janzen Kooistra
Editorial Team: Reg Beatty, Emma Fraschetti, Alexandrea Fiorante, Benjamin Ghan, Alexandra Pospisil, Sarah Pennington
Volume 1