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XML     PDF Refrains By Leila Macdonald “. . . Whereupon coming to the bars of his window and looking out, he did begin to…


XML     PDF Suggestion By Mrs. Ernest Leverson IF Lady Winthrop had not spoken of me as ” that intolerable, effeminate boy,” she might have…


XML     PDF Song By Richard Le Gallienne SHE’S somewhere in the sunlight strong,     Her tears are in the falling rain, She calls me in…


XML     PDF Shepherds’ Song By Nora Hopper ” ALL alas and welladay ”     (Shepherds’ say !) Stepping with a stealthy pace     Past the place…


XML     PDF Two Studies By Mrs. Murray Hickson I—At the Cross Roads” For to no man is it given to understand a woman, nor…

Yellow Book Promotional Materials

THE YELLOW BOOK Promotional Materials XML     PDF Prospectus: The Yellow Book 1  April 1894 XML     JPEG Poster: The Yellow Book 1   April…


FOUR PICTURES: I. HELEN BY E. J. SULLIVAN MLA citation: Sullivan, E. J. “Four Pictures: I. Helen.” The Yellow Book, vol. 13, 1897, p. 227.…


FOUR PICTURES: III. THE COUCH BY E. J. SULLIVAN MLA citation: ullivan, E. J. “Four Pictures: III. The Couch.” The Yellow Book, vol. 13, 1897,…


FOUR PICTURES: IV. THE MIRROR BY E. J. SULLIVAN MLA citation: Sullivan, E. J. “Four Pictures: IV. The Mirror.” The Yellow Book, vol. 13, 1897,…


FOUR PICTURES: II. THE SORCERESS BY E. J. SULLIVAN MLA citation: Sullivan, E. J. “Four Pictures: II. The Sorceress.” The Yellow Book, vol. 13, 1897,…