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XML     PDF Two Letters to a Friend By Theodore Watts O LOVE, my love ! if I no more should see Thyself, nor on…


XML     PDF The Dead Wall By H. B. Marriott Watson THE dawn stared raw and yellow out of the east at Rosewarne. Its bleak…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. The Next Time . . By Henry James . . Page 11 II. Earth’s Complines . . Charles G.D.…


XML     PDF In an American Newspaper Office By Charles Miner Thompson HUNT was the night-editor of the respectable Dawn. This knowing journal declared that…


XML     PDF Mars By Rose Haig Thomas NOT this cold grey world for me     With its dull monotony Of sombre land and sea. No…


XML     PDF An Appreciation of Ouida By G. S. Street I THE superfluous champion is a foolish being, but his super- fluity lies, as…


XML     PDF Earth’s Complines By Charles G. D. Roberts BEFORE the feet of the dew There came a call I knew,     Luring me into…


XML     PDF A Song By Dollie Radford OUTSIDE the hedge of roses     Which walls my garden round, And many a flower encloses,     Lies fresh…


XML     PDF The Digger By Edgar Prestage THE cock crows this December night . . . The cock crows hoarsely this dark night .…


XML     PDF A Beautiful Accident By Stanley V. Makower WHAT an exquisite feeling there is about this spring after- noon. A tender grace clings…