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XML     PDF SEA-MUSIC             The voices of the whispering woods are still;            No truant brook runs chattering to the stream;            Like heaven’s own likeness, mirrored in a…


XML     PDF A GOLDEN DECADE IN ENGLISH ART     THE most perfect English art in black and white was done between the years 1860 and…


XML     PDF A GLASS OF WHISKEY     “I mind the man that gave me my first glass of whiskey,” said Johnny Mullen, the tailor. “I…


XML     PDF IMPENITENTIA ULTIMA BEFORE my light goes out for ever, if God should give me a choice      of graces,    I would not reck of…


XML     PDF THE BINDING OF THE HAIR THE men-at-arms of the young queen Dectira, and of the old and foolish king Lua, had lighted…


XML     PDF OF CRITICISM AND THE CRITIC     UNDER my window in the foggy, dripping street, those little imps, the newspaper-boys, are making the hour…


XML     PDF  UNDER THE HILL A ROMANTIC NOVEL                     “LA CHALEUR DU BRANDON VENUS”                                              Le Roman til la Rose, v. 22051                                   UNDER THE HILL                    153                                                       TO              THE MOST…


XML     PDF THE WANDERERS             WANDERING, ever wandering,             Their eyelids freshened with the wind of the sea             Blown up the cliffs at sunset, their cheeks…


XML     PDF EDITORIAL NOTE IT is hoped that “THE SAVOY” will be a periodical of an exclusively literary and artistic kind. To present Literature…