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IT is hoped that “THE SAVOY” will be a periodical of an exclusively
literary and artistic kind. To present Literature in the shape of its letter-
press, Art in the form of its illustrations, will be its aim. For the attainment
of that aim we can but rely on our best endeavours and on the logic of our
belief that good writers and artists will care to see their work in company
with the work of good writers and artists. Readers who look to a new
periodical for only very well-known or only very obscure names must permit
themselves to be disappointed. We have no objection to a celebrity who
deserves to be celebrated, or to an unknown person who has not been seen
often enough to be recognised in passing. All we ask from our contributors
is good work, and good work is all we offer our readers. This we offer
with some confidence. We have no formulas, and we desire no false unity
of form or matter. We have not invented a new point of view. We are
not Realists, or Romanticists, or Decadents. For us, all art is good which
is good art. We hope to appeal to the tastes of the intelligent by not
being original for originality’s sake, or audacious for the sake of advertise-
ment, or timid for the convenience of the elderly-minded. We intend to
print no verse which has not some close relationship with poetry, no fiction
which has not a certain sense of what is finest in living fact, no criticism
which has not some knowledge, discernment, and sincerity in its judgment.
We could scarcely say more, and we are content to think we can scarcely
say less.

MLA citation:

Symons, Arthur. “Editorial Note.” The Savoy,, vol. 1 January 1896, p. 5. Savoy Digital Edition,edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2018-2020. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.