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PDF THE DIAL  NO. 5 LA VIE ÉLARGIE                         En ces villes d’ombre et d’ebène,                        Où buissonnent des feux prodigieux,                        En ces villes, où se démènent,                        Avec leurs pleurs,…


PDF THE DIAL  NO. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Cover designed and engraved by Charles Ricketts Table of Contents . . . [vii] ❧ Full…


PDF THE DIAL  NO. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Cover designed and engraved by Charles Ricketts Table of Contents . . . [iii] ❧ Full…


XML     PDF A Defence of Cosmetics By Max Beerbohm NAY but it is useless to protest. Artifice must queen it once more in the…


MR. LEONARD SMITHERS’ LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. MLA citation: “Mr. Leonard Smithers’ List of Publications.” 1896. Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen…


PDF PROSPECTUS The Savoy    AN ILLUSTRATED        QUARTERLY    PUBLISHED BYLEONARD SMITHERS                        Effingham House                        Arundel Street                        Strand                        London W.C.                                              “THE SAVOY”     A NEW Quarterly Magazine, entitled “THE SAVOY,” and edited by MR. ARTHUR SYMONS…