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XML     PDF Contents Literature I. Women — Wives or Mothers     By A Woman . . Page 11 II. “Tell Me Not Now”     William Watson…


XML     PDF Tobacco Clouds By Lionel Johnson CLOUD upon cloud : and, if I were to think that an image of life can lie…


The Yellow Book Index to Publisher’s Announcements             PageA.D. Innes & Co. . . . . . . . . 2Bentley & Son . . .…


XML     PDF Sir Julian Garve By Ella D’Arcy A YOUNG man, an American, the latest addition to the hotel colony on the cliff, spent…


XML     PDF Kit :  An American Boy By Jennie A. Eustace         I His sponsors had called him Christopher Bainbridge Bryce. The boy would have…


XML     PDF The Other Anna By Evelyn Sharp THERE were flights and flights of wide, cold, dreary stone stairs, and at the top of…


XML     PDF Sir Dragonet’s Quest By F. B. Money-Coutts             IKING MARK came riding, in great despite,    Seeking Sir Tristram to slay,And chanced on a merry…


XML     PDF At Twickenham By Ella D’Arcy WHEN John Corbett married Minnie Wray, her sister Loetitia, their parents being dead, came to live under…


XML     PDF At the Article of Death By John Buchan A NOISELESS evening fell chill and dank on the moorlands. The Dreichil was mist…


XML     PDF Saint Joseph and Mary From a French Folk-Song By Marie Clothilde Balfour SAINT JOSEPH and Mary,    A-journeying went they : Saint-Joseph and Mary,…