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XML     PDF Fleet Street Eclogue* St. George’s Day By John Davidson BASIL. MENZIES. PERCY. BRIAN. HERBERT. SANDY. MENZIES. WHAT thought may burst the bondOf…


XML     PDF “For Ever and Ever”  By C. S. IN the cold grey dawn I sit up and look at the woman by my…


XML     PDF The Haseltons By Hubert Crackanthorpe I SHE sat in a corner of a large London drawing-room, and the two men stood before…


XML     PDF Pierre Gascon By Charles Kennett Burrow PIERRE GASCON was old, so old that he seemed to have drifted into a backwater of…


XML     PDF M. Anatole France By Maurice Baring I“SOYONS des bibliophiles et lisons nos livres, mais ne les prenons point de toutes mains ;…


XML     PDF                         The Yellow Book Advertisements 1 Mr. Wm. Heinemann’s List. NOVELS TO READ. THE MANXMAN. By HALL CAINE. Fiftieth Thousand. 6s. Mr. Gladstone.—”Though…


XML     PDF Rondeaux d’Amour By Dolf Wyllarde I BEFORE the night come, and the day expire,The blossoms redden with the sun’s desire—    Only the passion-flowers…


XML     PDF Vespertilia By Graham R. Tomson IN the late autumn’s dusky-golden prime,    When sickles gleam, and rusts the idle plough,The time of apples dropping…


XML     PDF Contents Literature I. Home . . . . By Richard Le Gallienne Page 11 II. The Bohemian Girl . Henry Harland .…


XML     PDF Two Songs By Charles Sydney I MY love is selfish and unfair,    Her kisses fall so thick and fast,That while I wait to…