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XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. HAND COLOURED PRINTS by Pamela Colman Smith, of    Miss Ellen Terry:—        as “‘Portia’ hurrying to the Railway Station”   …  …  Price Is. Post free.        as “Sans…


XML     PDF THE WATERS OF THE MOON. I dreamed I came to an enchanted vale,Where, shadowed by dim mountains of delight,The never-resting opal waters…


XML     PDF A HYMN IN PRAISE OF NEPTUNE. Of Neptune’s empire let us sing.At whose command the waves obey;To whom the rivers tribute pay,Down…


XML     PDF COBUS ON DEATH.     (From The Good Hope. A Sea play by H. Heijermans.                        Translated by Christopher St. John.)     Cobus. —It’s a good job…


XML     PDF “——in lone splendour hung aloft the night,And watching, with eternal lids apart,Like nature’s patient sleepless Eremite,The moving waters at their priest-like task,Of…


XML     PDF THE TIDAL RIVER. Under the bridge can you hear the water swirling?    Can you feel it drift the boat along, as we rest…


XML     PDF A DEEP SEA YARN.                                                                 By John Masefield P away north, in the old days, in Chester, there was a man who somehow…


XML     PDF THE MERMAID OF ZENNOR.     “Fisher hast thou seen the mermaid combing her hair, yellow as gold, by the noontide sun, at the…


XML     PDF THE RIM OF THE SEA. Over the rim of the sea,Where the sailor sun has set.Over the rim of the sea, Where…


XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. HAND COLOURED PRINTS by Pamela Colman Smith, of    Miss Ellen Terry:—        as “‘Portia’ hurrying to the Railway Station”   …  …  Price Is. Post free.        as “Sans…