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XML     PDF THE WOOD OF LARAGH. I have found quiet in the hushed twilight of the woodAnd the healing of all trouble in the…


XML TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 7 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] Autumn, by Eleanor Vicocq Ward  2       Decorative border by Dorothy Ward  2 The Calling Voice,…


XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS. WEST INDIAN FOLK STORIES Told by GELUKIEZANGER at Entertainments, At Homes, &c. For terms apply to the Editor ofThe Green Sheaf.…


XML     PDF     BOOKPLATES and PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS Designed, Printed, and Hand-coloured to order.    Also Programmes, Cards, &c., for Private Theatricals, Dances, and Dinners.    For terms apply…


XML     PDF DEIRDRE: A DRAMA IN THREE ACTS         DRAMATIS PERSONÆ. CONCOBAR … … Ardrie of Ulla. Naisi Ainle Ardan… … … Brothers of Naisi.…


XML     PDF EOCENE. I thought to be alone, but young Dawn stood    Against the bed and lifted up my eyes.Gorgeous and strong in gallant hardihood    Sprinkled…


XML     PDF BLIND MAN’S VIGIL. ’M a tattered starving beggar fiddling down        the dirty streets,Scraping tunes from squeaking catgut for        a plate of broken meats,Scraping tunes…


XML     PDF ECHO. Echo, who hides behind the sheltering hills,Sad Echo—always shy.Sometimes she will not come at all,At others, always nigh.                                                                         P.C.S. MLA citation:…


XML     PDF THE CALLING VOICE. Come into the night, Beloved Heart, come into the- night with me.For there are many things to hear and…


XML TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 6 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] The Rim of the Sea, poem by Pamela Colman Smith  2       Illustration and decoration…