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XML     PDF GRIERSON OF LAG The Database of Ornament                         SIR Robert has risen at break o’ day                           In the spring time o’ the year,                        He has…


XML     PDF BETWEEN THE AGES The Database of Ornament                         GONE is the spirit of old                                With the thirst for the strife;                        Gone is the fierce…


XML     PDF THE BLACK MONTH The Database of Ornament IT is the Black Month—the Month of the Dead, the Month of those that do…


XML     PDF THE UNBORN The Database of Ornament THE Born to the Unborn cried,‘Come forth, my brother, to life, in the free andthe open…


XML     PDF THE CONTENTS The Database of Ornament                                          THE CONTENTS                                          I. SUMMER IN NATURE Page   11    A Forerunner  .     .     .     .     .     .       13    Meeting of Spring and Summer   .     ROSA MULHOLLAND.   19    The Biology of…


XML     PDF THE BIOLOGY OF SUMMER The Database of Ornament ARGUMENT.—Life is rhythmic and is punctuated by the seasons. Summeris the crest of the…


XML     PDF OCEANUS The Database of Ornament                                           I                         Dead Calm: Noon. VAST, vast, immeasurably vast, thy dreadful peace,       When heaving with slow mighty breath thou       liestIn utter…


XML     PDF SUMMER-NIGHT SADNESS The Database of Ornament             SAVE for the night-wind crisp and cool,               That vaguely thrills a sullen wave,            The calm that broods above…


XML     PDF TELEN RUMENGOL¹ The Database of Ornament             ‘Le paradis ne se gagne qu’aux pieds des saints de son pays.’ PEACE reigned in the…


XML     PDF I. —A FORERUNNER The Database of Ornament                  CYTHEREA, in green gown,                 Hair alight and purple crown,                 Wendeth amid willows wan                        In the ice dews by…