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PDF THE GREEN SHEAF NO. 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 12 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] Pinie und Blitz [The Pine Tree Speaks], by…


XML     PDF THE NAMELESS ONES.     Through the stately Mansions of EndeavourBlow the winds, the tameless winds, of wild desire;    And the Mansions in their fashion…


XML     PDF DERMID. See how the snows lie white kissed by the moon,Clothing the earth in Druid fantasies.The trees forget that it was ever…


XML     PDF AITHNE. Let me rest here where silence crowns old days,aying invisible kingdoms at our feet.I have grown strange to my own self…


XML     PDF THE TOWN. O deary me how idle isThis great and weary town.For people talk and never doAs they go up and down.…


XML     PDF MUGEN.                                     (WITHOUT WORDS.) I gathered the carnations and roses—an April day—(O, flowers and Spring!)I trod the road to the nightingale’s nest,And I…


XML     PDF EVENING. Evening with breezes that revive my memories;Evening, my refuge where my sighing eyes hurry to meet with the        stars!All the leaves and…


XML     PDF A SONG OF THE NIGHT. The wind is softly sighing round the house,    Tapping with gentle finger on the pane,The scuttering footsteps of…