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XML     PDF ADVERTISEMENTS BLAKE’S PROPHETIC BOOKS                        EDITED BY A. G. B. Russell & E. R. Maclagan.        JERUSALEM.            Cr. 4to, 6/- net. A. H. Bullen, 47, Great Russell…


PDF THE GREEN SHEAF NO. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 11 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] The Changed World, by Dorothy Ward  2 The Violet,…


XML TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 11 Front Cover, by Pamela Colman Smith  [i] The Changed World, by Dorothy Ward  2 The Violet, by Yone Noguchi  3 Cup and…


XML     PDF MEMORY. The roses are born and the roses die,But they live again as do you and I,In the heart and the dreams…


XML     PDF A LYKE-WAKE DIRGE. This ae nighte, this ae nighte,    Everie nighte and alle,Fire, and sleete, and candle-lighte,    And Christe receive thy sauie. When thou…


XML     PDF CUP AND BALL. Between passing of night and birth of morn,    When the pale stars close their eyes,Each moment new beauty and magic…


XML     PDF THE VIOLET. ONE night,When breezes and mists were grey with one sad memory(The stars had lost their way to their posts)I stood…