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XML     PDF                        OLD KITTY The Database of Ornament             “Femme qui n’a filé toute…


XML     PDF         THE PIMPERNEL                         The little pink pimpernel,                        That border the way to the well,                        They saw, they knew, and gazed their…


XML     PDF    SOME SHADOWS OF A THOUGHT                         Now, like the silence at the heart of song,                        Art mars to make, hope’s bow on life’s…


XML     PDF SONNET DE RONSARD POUR HELENE. LIVRE II, NOS. XLII                         When you, quite old, by night with candles, well                        Up to the fire, wind…


XML     PDF SUGGESTED BY THE PROSE OF ARTHUR RIMBAUD “ENFANCE”                     Parentless, without court, and nobler far                        In every land than gods in fables are,                        Has azure…


XML     PDF A NOTE ON GUSTAVE MOREAU The Database of Ornament IT is at first necessary to separate some of Gustave Moreau’s characteristics from…