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XML     PDF TWO POEMS CONCERNING      PEASANT VISIONARIES The Database of Ornament                         A CRADLE SONG     THE faery children laugh in cradles of wrought…


XML     PDF          PAUL VERLAINE                              I A…


XML     PDF THE LOVE OF THE POOR The Database of Ornament PERSONAGESThe Old Man.The Old Woman.The Soul of their Dead Child.SCENE.— The interior of…


XML     PDF PAGES FROM THE LIFE OF LUCY NEWCOME The Database of Ornament                          I     AS Lucy Newcome walked down the street, with the baby…


XML     PDF THE TRUANT’S HOLIDAY The Database of Ornament     COME, let us forth, Sibylla !  The brave day,        See, ’s all a-quiver with its gold…


XML     PDF ON THE KIND OF FICTION CALLED MORBID The Database of Ornament     THIS is a poison-bad world for the romancer, this Anglo- Saxon…


XML     PDF COUNTESS MARIE OF THE ANGELS The Database of Ornament                                                                                                 À JEAN DE TINAN                                                    I     AS he turned out of his hotel in…


XML     PDF UNDER THE HILL  A Romantic Story The Database of Ornament CHAPTER IV     IT is always delightful to wake up in a new…


XML     PDF PUBLISHER’S NOTE MONSIEUR J. E. BLANCHE desires to state that the reproduction of his picture, “The Painter Thaulow and his Family,” in…


XML     PDF ON GOING TO CHURCH AS a modern man, concerned with matters of fine art and living in London by the sweat of…