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XML     PDF A LITERARY CAUSERIE ON SOME NOVELS, CHIEFLY FRENCH The Database of Ornament A NOVEL used once to be a story. When the…


XML     PDF NOTE In consequence of Mr. Beardsley’s severe and continued illness, we have been compelled to discontinue the publication of “Under the Hill,”…


XML     PDF LENGTHENING DAYS                                                                                                                       PAGECOVER       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .       .        .           —TITLE PAGE       .       .       Designed by AUBREY…


XML     PDF NEW YEAR’S EVE The Database of Ornament             WE heard the bells of midnight burying the year.                        Then the night poured its silent waters…


XML     PDF A MERE MAN The Database of Ornament                                                 I THE Clubs were full, and busy with gossip. The new beauty (an American) had…


XML     PDF SAINT-GERMAIN-EN-LAYE The Database of Ornament                                            1887-1895            THROUGH the green boughs, I hardly saw thy face             They twined so close ; the sun was…


XML     PDF ROSA ALCHEMICA The Database of Ornament                                                  I     A FEW years ago an extraordinary religious frenzy took hold upon the peasantry of a…


XML     PDF FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE The Database of Ornament                                                  I     FOR some years the name of Friedrich Nietzsche has been the war-cry of opposing factions…


XML     PDF THE FORGE The Database of Ornament              A LONG and narrow shop, magenta black             Mottled with rose ; ten fires along one…


XML     PDF THE DETERIORATION OF NANCY The Database of Ornament     [I have obtained access to the remaining portion of the Correspondence between a dis-…