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XML     PDF CASANOVA The Database of Ornament             THERE are few more delightful books in the world than            Casanova’s “Mémoires.”—That is a statement I have long            vainly…


XML     PDF CATULLUS The Database of Ornament                                                 CARMEN CI                         BY ways remote and distant waters sped,                         Brother, to thy sad grave-side am I come,                        That…


XML     PDF IN SLIGO The Database of Ornament                         ROSSES POINT AND GLENCAR ROSSES POINT is a village of pilots and fishing people, stretching out…


XML     PDF WINDLE-STRAWS The Database of Ornament “O”The Database of Ornament “B”         I. O’SULLIVAN RUA TO THE CURLEW             O CURLEW, cry no more in…


XML     PDF EMILE VERHAEREN The Database of Ornament THE frontiers of literature, independent of political dissension or civil authority, are fixed by language alone.…


XML     PDF THE TABLES OF THE LAW The Database of Ornament                                                                        I “WILL you permit me, Aherne,” I said, “to ask you a question,…


XML     PDF EPILOGUE The Database of Ornament             LET us go hence : the night is now at hand ;                    The day is overworn, the…


XML     PDF A LITERARY CAUSERIE: ON THE “INVECTIVES” OF VERLAINE The Database of Ornament I NEVER read a book with more regret than this…


LENGTHENING DAYS                                                                                                                       PAGECOVER       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .       .        .           1TITLE PAGE       .       .       Designed by AUBREY BEARDSLEY        .         .          5HOLIDAY…