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The Database of Ornament

                                                CARMEN CI

                        BY ways remote and distant waters sped,
                        Brother, to thy sad grave-side am I come,
                        That I may give the last gifts to the dead,
                        And vainly parley with thine ashes dumb :
                        Since she who now bestows and now denies
                        Hath ta’en thee, hapless brother, from mine eyes.

                        But lo! these gifts, the heirlooms of past years,
                        Are made sad things to grace thy coffin shell,
                        Take them, all drenchèd with a brother’s tears,
                        And, brother, for all time, hail and farewell !

                                                                              AUBREY BEARDSLEY.

MLA citation:

Catullus. “Carmen CI.” Translated by Aubrey Beardsley. The Savoy vol. 7, November 1896, p. 52. Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2018-2020. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.