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XML   PDF MONNA ROSA                                     Elle est seule au boudoir                                    En bandeaux d’or liquide,                                    En robe d’or fluide                                    Sur fond blanc dans le soir                                    Teinté d’or vert et noir.…


XML   PDF Database of Ornament COSTELLO THE PROUD, OONA MACDERMOTT, AND THE BITTER TONGUE COSTELLO had come up from the fields, and lay upon…


XML   PDF ❧A ROUNDEL OF RABELAIS                               THELEME is afar on the waters, adrift and afar,                              Afar and afloat on the waters that flicker and gleam,                              And…


XML   PDF ❧THE PAGEANT ART EDITOR                                                               LITERARY EDITOR C. HAZELWOOD SHANNON                                     J.W. GLEESON WHITE                        PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. HENRY AND COMPANY                                  93 ST. MARTIN’S LANE, LONDON                                                 MDCCCXCVI MLA…