TITLE PAGE BY J. D. MACKENZIE MLA citation: Mackenzie, J. D. “Title Page.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…
FRONT COVER BY J. D. MACKENZIE MLA citation: Mackenzie, J. D. “Front Cover.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…
AN OLD CAMPAIGNER BY WALTER LANGLEY MLA citation: Langley, Walter. “An Old Campaigner.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…
FAIR PLAY BY FRED HALL MLA citation: Hall, Fred. “Fair Play.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…
ON THE SEINE BY CAROLINE GOTCH MLA citation: Gotch, Caroline. “On the Seine.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…