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WINDERMERE BY CHARLES CONDER MLA citation: Conder, Charles. “Windermere.” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896, p. 287. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…


DIEPPE CASTLE BY D. Y. CAMERON MLA citation: Cameron, D. E. E. “Dieppe Castle.” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896, p. 218. Yellow Book Digital…


THE BUTTERFLIES BY D. Y. CAMERON MLA citation: Cameron, D. Y. “The Butterflies.” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896, p. 220. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


BABIES AND BRAMBLES BY KATHARINE CAMERON MLA citation: Cameron Katharine. “Babies and Brambles.” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896, p. 55. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


FRONT COVER BY JAMES ILLINGWORTH KAY MLA citation: Kay, James Illingworth. “Front Cover” The Yellow Book, vol. 10, 1896. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by…