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XML     PDF TELEN RUMENGOL¹ The Database of Ornament             ‘Le paradis ne se gagne qu’aux pieds des saints de son pays.’ PEACE reigned in the…


XML     PDF I. —A FORERUNNER The Database of Ornament                  CYTHEREA, in green gown,                 Hair alight and purple crown,                 Wendeth amid willows wan                        In the ice dews by…


XML     PDF UNDER THE ROWANS The Database of Ornament             GREEN branches, green branches, I see you beckon;                         I follow!            Sweet is the place you guard,…


XML     PDF THE KINGDOM OF THE EARTH¹ The Database of Ornament LONG, long ago a Gypsy king, old and blind, but dowered with ancestral…


XML     PDF A SUMMER AIR The Database of Ornament                                     O WAVING trees                                        And waving wind                                    And waving seas                                        And waving mind—                                    Where, far and wide,                                        Am I to roam                                    To…


XML     PDF NANNACK The Database of Ornament                         SUN burnt and sun burnt,                        Rain on soft rain fell,                        And gleamed a tinge of green—                        Just a heart beat:                        Then…


XML     PDF SUN-JOY The Database of Ornament             NOW Summer has come with a calm,                 And the world is encircled around            With sunshine and song, like a…


XML     PDF VERS L’UNITÉ The Database of Ornament IL n’y a pas à méconnaître les symptómes de division qui subsistent actuellement dans le monde.…


XML     PDF FROM THE IRISH-GAELIC OF TADHG GAOLACH O SUILLIOBHAIN The Database of Ornament             ROSE of the Universality, holy and heavenly leader,            Thou of thy…


XML     PDF SWAN-WHITE The Database of Ornament                  WHITE of skin and brown of hair,                 Her footfall wakens the sleepy air—                  And suddenly sweet and strange…