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XML     PDF THE STORY OF CASTAILLE DUBH The Database of Ornament IN a hollow near the foot of the Athole hills there stand the…


XML     PDF THE BIOLOGY OF WINTER The Database of Ornament       ARGUMENT.—I. An appreciation of the full biological import of Winter      is not altogether easy for…


XML     PDF FROST The Database of Ornament QUIETLY the snow fell, in large soft flakes which floated in the still air. Janet stood at…


XML     PDF SYMBOLS The Database of Ornament SPLENDOUR of dawn on the hills, in the rose-coloured      blossom of morn;Splendour of moonlight unmuffled and glassed in…


XML     PDF SANT EFFLAMM AND KING ARTHUR¹ The Database of Ornament ON a far-off day, a day in the shadow of forgotten time, a…


XML     PDF POURQUOI DES GUIRLANDES VERTES À NOËL The Database of Ornament A Edimbourg. LES gaz fumeux déversés par mille tuyaux se sont amoncelés en…


XML     PDF FANTASIES The Database of Ornament                                           I                        A YEAR AND A DAY ONE November day, when they had been married about a twelvemonth,…


XML     PDF DERMOT’S SPRING The Database of Ornament THE young king of Tir-Cullen, bright in his feasting apparel, sat upon his throne, welcomed his…


XML     PDF WINTER The Database of Ornament THIS is no weakling pale Driven before the gale, A strong one he, as giant Ophero Who…


XML     PDF THE CHIEF’S BLOOD IN ME The Database of Ornament                         THE chiefs’ blood in me                           Heightened my head                        When bowed to beg (for thee)                           The islesmen’s…