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XML II. Mr. C. H. Shannon and Mr. Rothenstein (Book Review)     This is a small exhibition of drawings and lithographs at the Dutch Gallery, 14…


XML Book Review ——The Dial: an Occasional Publication. Edited by C. S. Ricketts and C. H. Shannon. (L. Hacon and C. S. Ricketts.) — Amid…


XML The Art Magazines     THE Dial, that extremely occasional and still more eccentric periodical, has struck two, thereby falsifying the prophecy of the enemy. There…


XML A Defence of the Revival of Printing     A Defence of the Revival of Printing . By Charles Ricketts. (Vale Press.) — The ignorant or…


XML The Vale Press: A History of it and List of its Famous Publications.:      SINCE, In 1891, William Morris founded the Kelmscott Press, Increased attention…


XML The Dial: An Occasional Publication (Book Review)     The Dial: an Occasional Publication. (Hacon and Ricketts.)— Amid expanses of black paper we come upon a lithograph…