XML PDF Vernon Lee (1856 – 1935) Vernon Lee (née Violet Paget), only daughter of Matilda and Henry Ferguson Paget, was born in Chateau…
XML PDF Pamela Colman Smith. Photograph, c. 1912, Wikimedia Commons Pamela Colman Smith (1878 – 1951) The artist, author, editor, and designer Pamela…
XML PDF Theodore Wratislaw. Photograph, c. 1914, The Poets of the Shires: Warwickshire Poets, edited by Charles Henry Poole. Theodore Wratislaw (1871 – 1933)…
XML PDF Alice Woodward. Promotional Photograph, 1899, Blackie & Son, Private Collection. Alice B(olingbroke) Woodward (1862 – 1951) Alice B. Woodward was a…
XML PDF Patten Wilson. Photograph, c. 1930, Private Collection. Patten Wilson (1869 – 1934) Patten Wilson was born on March 23, 1869, the…
XML PDF W. & D. Downey. Mr. Oscar Wilde. Photograph, 1889, The Clark Library, UCLA. Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie…
XML PDF Frederick Hollyer. Gleeson White. Photograph, 1897, Die Kunst in der Photographie, Wikimedia Commons. Gleeson White (1851 – 1898) Born at Christchurch…
XML PDF Theodore Watts-Dunton. Photograph, 1916, Frontispiece from The Life and Letters of Theodore Watts-Dunton. Edited by Thomas Hake and Arthur Compton-Rickett. Walter Theodore…
XML PDF Graham R. Tomson (Rosamund Marriott Watson). Photograph, Frontispiece for The Poems of Rosamund Marriott Watson. John Lane, London, 1912. Graham R. Tomson…