From The Bookman: Review of The Yellow Book
THE YELLOW BOOK. Vol. III. 5s. (John Lane.)
Its promise to provide permanent literature the ‘Yellow
Book’ fulfils in its third
volume by Mr. William Watson’s
charming love-song, and Mr.
John Davidson‘s “Ballad of
a Nun.” The fiction is
rather less good than in the earlier
numbers, though in Mr. Ernest Dowson‘s “Apple Blossom
in Brittany,” and in the editor’s” When I
am King,” there
is excellent workmanship. But on Mr. Max
defence of George IV. depends the power of the volume to
amuse. Mr. Beerbohm’s earlier contributions some of us
felt inclined to frown on
austerely. But we no longer wish
to snub or ignore him. He is very funny when “in a
of real earnestness” he essays “to point out to the mob
how it has been
cruel to George.” Philanthropy goes up
and down to-day seeking whom it may take
care of. Princes
are the last object of its loving pity, and Mr. Beerbohm is
the missionary to their sore needs, and the interpreter of
“the beautiful life”
which one of them led. We do not
pretend to know if Mr. Beerbohm is ever serious or
except in the high spirits which impel him to say naughty
things—perhaps the natural reaction after what he himself
calls “the
confounded surveillance of childhood.” Very
likely not, and if not, the sentimental
form which he has
given to his cynicism or his fooling is really original, and
seem very’ amusing—for a little time. We have spoken of Mr.
Watson’s and
Mr. Davidson‘s poems. Well, both poets have
now many
readers who may be trusted to procure the ‘Yel-
low Book’ for their sakes. It may
not be superfluous, how-
ever, to point to the poem of a young writer of much
promise, Miss Nora Hopper, the “Lament of the Last
Leprechaun”—a lament for the old times of story and song
that have passed away—
“For the sorrow of the sea,
For the song’s unquickened seeds,
For the sleeping of the Shee,
My grief!”
Mr. Philip Broughton‘s’ “Mantegna,” Mr. Wilson Steer’s,
and, of course, Mr. Beardsley‘s
contributions to the art
department, must all have their several admirers.
MLA citation:
Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 3, October 1894, The Bookman November 1894, p. 58. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.