From Atlantic Monthly: “Comment on New Books”
Literature and Criticism. The Yellow
Book, an
Illustrated Quarterly. (Cope-
land & Day, Boston.) The merry-go-round
literary history brings back the old il-
lustrated annual in this Yellow Book.
be sure, our great-grandaunts would have
thought the pictures puzzles, and
the text
somewhat unedited, but the general princi-
ple is the same,— a
collection of heteroge-
neous stories, poems, and sketches, of the
manner, and detached engravings
by the artists in vogue. Only, in this case
the fashion seems to be that of the day after
to-morrow, and that is two days
Much may happen to-morrow; possibly a
return to nobility, purity and
high ideals
in literature and art. We commend to
some of his associates in the
Yellow Book
Mr. Waugh’s vigorous contribution on Re-
ticence in Literature.
MLA citation:
“Comment on New Books.” Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 2, July 1894, Atlantic Monthly August 1894, p. 275. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities , 2019.