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The image is of three figures onstage with four figures below Onstage the central figure is a tall woman in a black dress holding two white flowers in her left hand and a mask behind her back There is a figure on either side of her each in white On her left is a horned man in bloomers with a forked beard one foot raised he appears to be dancing On her right is a female or androgynous figure in short dress pantaloons black sash who has a bent arm in front and bent arm behind and looks at the principal dancer whose arms are similarly positioned Curtains frame top of image on left side and extreme back of stage Musicians below appear white against black stage Conductor is wearing an 18th century coat with pigtail butterfly bows on coat on far right a woman in 18th century dress feather in hair There is a drum in the bottom right corner On the left there are two figures one blowing into a wind instrument the other with cymbals Both with feathers in headpiece Far left figure is bald other has long black hair The image is framed by three thin black lines The image is vertically displayed

The image is of three figures onstage with four figures below Onstage the central figure is a tall woman in a black dress holding two white flowers in her left hand and a mask behind her back There is a figure on either side of her each in white