From The Atlantic Monthly: “Comment on New Books”
A periodical is generally founded for one
of two purposes, — the making of
or the expression of ideas. After it is well
on its feel, it may
accomplish both of these
ends. We have before us recent volumes
of The Yellow
Book, The Evergreen, and
The Chap-Book. The purpose of The
Yellow Book (Lane, London ; Copeland &
Day, Boston) has sometimes
been consid-
ered a puzzle. Its continuance upon the
lines on which it was
first framed appears
to have been abandoned. Its yellow is as
bright without,
but paler within. The
cult of which it was originally the prophet
expressing itself far more quietly, at
least here, and The Yellow Book is cor-
respondingly less exciting, both to Philis-
tine enemies and to initiated
MLA citation:
“Comment on New Books: Periodicals.” Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 11, October 1896, Atlantic Monthly November 1896, p. 716. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.