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From Pall Mall Magazine: Review of The Yellow Book

The Yellow Book (Vol. X.) seems much
better worth its price than most books of
other colours. Miss Ménie Muriel Dowie‘s
“Idyll in Millinery” rather recalls one of
the stories in Miss Wotton’s Day-Books, but
is equally good and works out differently,
Mr. Henry Harland‘s “Invisible Prince” is
quite enchanting. In “Kathy” Mr. Oswald
Sickert—a true artist in low tones—gives us
another of his delicate studies of life; and
for those who prefer power and passion there
are Ella D’Arcy, Samuel Mathewson Scott,
and Vernon Lee; while Marie Clothilde
Balfour’s “Sub Termine Fagi” is worthy of
Dr. Jessop. If the Yellow Book keeps up
to this level, even the intolerant impudence
of the Yellow Dwarf will not be able to
kill it.

MLA citation:

Zangwill, I. Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 10, July 1896. Pall Mall Magazine, November 1896, p. 452. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.