From The Nation: Review of The Yellow Book
To do something new seems to have been
the principal aim of the publishers of
Yellow Book; An illustrated Quarterly’ (Lon-
don: Elkin Mathews & John Lane; Boston:
& Day), vol. i. of which, for April,
1894, lies before us. It is bound in
boards of
a hideous yellow color, with a design, only
more hideous than
frivolous, in violent black.
The pictures (for they are not illustrations
have no connection with the text, but are in-
troduced for their own sake)
are of the latest
school of English impressionism, and are very
slight or very
affected or very vulgar. The
page is a broad 12mo, and the lines of
press, in old-faced type, run straight across it,
with old-style
catchwords. The matter is, much
of it, very modern and very impressionistic,
the Whistlerian affectations of Mr. Max Beer-
bohm‘s “Defence of Cosmetics” being par-
intolerable. The names of Henry
James, George Saintsbury, and Edmund Gosse
among the writers, and that of Sir Frederick
Leighton among the artists, give, however, a
higher tone to the table of contents,
and Mr. Arthur
Waugh’s essay on “Reticence
in Literature” is a healthy protest against
many of the vices of “modernity.”
MLA citation:
Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 1, April 1894, The Nation 24 May 1894, p. 390. Yellow Nineties 2.0. Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.