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Dream Garden
A Children’s Annual

Full cloth, 5s. net.


Cover designed by NELLIE
SYRETT. Frontispiece: “The
Ivory-Gate and Golden,” in
Colours, by NELLIE SYRETT.


The Dream Garden.  Illustrated by Nellie Syrett

The Tree that went round the World.  Laurence Housman. Illus. by Helen Stratton

The Coming of King Ackermann.  Mary E. Mann. Illus. by Marian Dawson

Recollections of a Japanese Baby.  Osman Edwards. Illustrated by Nellie Syrett

Fuff.  Christina Dering. Illustrated by Mary Corbett

A Lullaby.  Norman Gale

A Good Reason.  Norman Gale

Fairy Nurses.  Norman Gale

The Castle with the High Bell.  Evelyn Sharp. Illustrated by Glyn W. Philpot

The Scolded Eaglet.  E. Nesbit

The Elf and the Grumbling Bee.  Marion Wallace Dunlop. Illus. by the Author

The Red Shoes.  Margaret Deland. Illus. by Gertrude Steel

Song for a Child.  Hilaire Belloc

The Uncle and the Faeries.  A. Ransome

A Carol.  A. M. Buckton

Letters of the Beasts to Dina.  Edith Theobald. Illus. by Pamela Colman Smith

The Rebellion of Phillis.  Claude Monroe. Illus. by D. Kibblewhite

The Leprechaun.  Nora Chesson. Illustrated by Olga Morgan

How the Son of Pendragon made Knighthood.  Fiona Macleod

The King who was never Tired.  Hamilton Fyfe

Scientific Caroline.  Constance Smedley. Illus. by Marian Dawson

The Little Pale Fairy.  Margaret Mackenzie

A Song.  Mary Carmichael

A Cradle Song.  Cecil Fortescue

The Tug of War.  Paul Creswick

The Forest of Wild Thyme.  Alfred Noyes

The Strange Boy. A Play.  Netta Syrett. Illustrated by Alice Woodward

The Wonderful Night.  Mary Rivers. Illustrated by Ann Macbeth

The Venture, 1904

MAUGHAM. Crown 4to. Price 5s. net.

        ❧ ❧ ❧


Beauty’s Mirror.   John Masefield

The Philosophy of Islands.   G. K. Chesterton

The Market Girl.   Thomas Hardy

Open, Sesame.   Charles Marriott

To any Householder.   Mrs Meynell

The Oracle.   A. E. Housman

The Genius of Pope.   Stephen Gwynn

Poor Little Mrs Villiers.   Netta Syrett Blindness.   John Masefield

The Merchant Knight.   Dr Garnett

Earth’s Martyrs.   Stephen Phillips

The Gem and its Setting.   Violet Hunt

Marriage in Two Moods.   Francis Thompson

An Indian Road-Tale.   S. Boulderson

Madame de Warens.   Havelock Ellis

Richard Farquharson.   May Bateman

The Clue.   Laurence Binyon

Jill’s Cat.   E. F. Benson

Proverbial Romances.   Laurence Housman

Marriages Made in Heaven.   W. Somerset Maugham

A Phial.   John Gray

A Concert at Clifford’s Inn.   Dr Todhunter



The Dove Cot.   Chas Hazlewood

John Woolman.   Reginald Savage

Psyche’s Looking-Glass.   Charles S. Ricketts

Pan and Psyche.   T. Sturge Moore

Queen of the Fishes.   Lucien Pissarro

Birdalone.   Bernard Sleigh

The Trumpeter.   E. Gordon Craig

The Death of Pan.   Louise Glazier

Playfellows.   T. Sturge Moore

The Crowning of Esther.   Lucien Pissarro

Daphne and Apollo.   Elinor Monsell

The World is Old To-night.   Paul Woodroffe

The Gabled House.   Sydney Lee

The Blue Moon.   Laurence Housman

The Bather.   Bernard Sleigh

        ❧ ❧ ❧



“It would not be an easy task to make a selection of pieces of prose and verse so representative of the younger
modern literature as this. . . . The verse of Mr Laurence Binyon, Mr John Masefield, Mr A. E. Housman and
Mr John Gray is of unusual beauty . . . . there are fifteen full-page wood-cuts, most of them full of character
and charm. . . . We are especially pleased with the work of Mr C. H. Shannon, Mr C. S. Ricketts, Mr Lau-
rence Housman and Miss Louise Glazier. . . . The literary pieces seem to us to be the work not only of the pre-
sent day but, in a sense, of the future too. The literature to come is in the cauldron: these are its first products.
Many of the stories and verses, viewed separately, are so distinguished from the literature of the past, that we
should be justified in this view. The twenty pieces, viewed together, are overwhelming proof. Ten years ago, so
much originality, and that with the merit of promise as well as of achievement, would have been impossible. . . .
This is the work of a new age. We hope that the authors and artists will not be contented, but will ‘Venture’
again and again,”

The Venture, 1904



“THE ‘Venture’ is the lineal descendant of ‘The Hobby Horse,’ ‘The Pageant,’ etc. The prose is excellent. . .
Mr Chesterton writes ingeniously on ‘The Philosophy of Islands,’ while the editor, Mr Laurence Housman, con-
tributes some ‘Proverbial Romances’ as wise and witty as those of Mr Crosland.”

“MY Nautical Retainer heartily welcomes a magazine that promises, under excellent auspices, at least to set a
high standard in the field of belles lettres. Bona ventura to The Venture!”

“MR John Baillie has published a new annual of art and literature: ‘The Venture,’ with woodcuts and literary
contributions by some of the leading illustrators, poets and essayists of the day. It is got up in faultless taste,
and the printing leaves nothing to be desired.”

“IT is an excellent and distinguished volume.”

“SHORTLY before Christmas I received from the publisher—John Baillie, 1 Princes Terrace, Hereford Road, W.—
a specimen copy of a new ‘annual of art and literature,’ edited by Laurence Housman and W. Somerset Maug-
ham, and I fear me it will say little for my business aptitude when I confess that I only took it from its packing
and glanced within its covers the other evening. Now that I have made acquaintance with its contents, I regret
the delay the more, and can only trust that Mr Baillie has yet sufficient copies in stock to execute the small order
I intend to give him; for I think there are not a few of my artistically-inclined customers who, now that the
Yellow Book’ and ‘Savoy’ are no more, will gladly welcome a publication that aims at high literary and artistic
excellence; and, indeed, the volume should appeal to two distinct publics. For while to the artists the names of
such contributors as C. H. Shannon, Charles Ricketts, Lucien Pissarro, Bernard Sleigh, T. S. Moore and E. Gor-
don Craig, to mention but a few of many, will prove an irresistible attraction, the lover of literature will be still
more delighted to find such writers as Thomas Hardy, Laurence Binyon, Richard Garnett, G. K. Chesterton, E. F.
Benson, Stephen Phillips, Charles Marriott, Netta Syrett, Violet Hunt and John Masefield represented among
the literary contents. All this for five shillings, nicely printed in modern black letter type, with wide margins, is
not only good artistically but cheap commercially.”

“ONE can only wish this book the best and recommend it to one’s readers. It would make a charming present
to anyone who appreciates clever verse and prose.”

“A caprrat band of contributors. In selecting type for the printing due regard has been paid to the traditions of
Morris, and the general arrangement of the contents reflects credit on publisher and editors.”

“IF it can be kept up to this level we shall look forward to the future numbers of ‘The Venture.’”

Some Books
“Venture” Contributors

        ❧ ❧ ❧

GORDON BOTTOMLEY. The Gate of Smaragdus (Elkin Mathews), 10s. 6d.

PAUL CRESWICK. Under the Black Raven (Ernest Nister & Co.), 3s. 6d.;
Hasting the Pirate (Ernest Nister & Co.), 3s. 6d.; With Richard the Fearless
(Ernest Nister & Co.), 3s. 6d.

EDMUND GOSSE, Jeremy Taylor (English Men of Letters), Macmillan &
Co., 2s. net; Coventry Patmore, A Biography and a Criticism (Hodder and
Stoughton); French Profiles (Heinemann), 6s.

E.S.P. HAYNES. Standards of Taste in Art (Elkin Mathews), 1S. net.

CHARLES MARRIOTT, Genevra (Methuen), 6s.

W.B. MAXWELL. The Ragged Messenger (Grant Richards), 6s.; Fabulous
(Grant Richards), 6s.

MRS MEYNELL. Poems (John Lane), 3s. 6d. net; The Colour of Life
(John Lane), 3s. 6d. net; Children of the Old Masters (Duckworth), £2 2s. net;
The Art of Fohn Sargent, R.A.

CLAUDE MONROE. Cradle Songs (George Allen).

L. STURGE MOORE. The Centaur’s Booty (Duckworth), 1s. net; The
Gazelle (Duckworth), 1s. net; To Leda (Duckworth), 1s. net; The Rout of the
(Duckworth), 1s. net.

ALFRED NOYES. Poems (Blackwood), 7s. 6d.

VINCENT O’SULLIVAN. A Dissertation upon Second Fiddles (Grant
Richards), 6s.; The Green Window (Grant Richards), 6s.

ARTHUR RANSOME. The Soul of the Streets (Brown, Langham & Co.),
1s. 6d. net.

BENJAMIN SWIFT. The Eternal Conflict (Heinemann), 6s.; The De-
(T. Fisher Unwin), 6s.

ARTHUR SYMONS. Studies in Prose and Verse (Dent), 7s. 6d. net; Cities
(Dent), 7s. 6d. net; Plays, Acting and Music (Duckworth), 5s. net.

NETTA SYRETT. Nobody’s Fault (John Lane), 3s. 6d. net; Rosanne
(Hurst G Blackett), 6s.; Six Fairy Plays for Children (John Lane), 2s. 6d.;
The Magic City, Fairy Tales (Lawrence and Bullen), 3s. 6d.

EDWARD THOMAS. Rose Acre Papers (Brown, Langham & Co.), 1s. 6d. net;
Oxford (Black), 21s.; Horæ Solitaræ (Duckworth).


        ❧ ❧ ❧

        The Chelsea Art School

Rossetti Studios, Flood Street, Chelsea
Embankment, S.W.

        ❧ ❧ ❧

Drawing & Painting from Life, etc.
Separate Day & Evening Classes for both Sexes

NEW TERMS commence

January 9: April 10: October 1, 1905

A Sketch Club with Monthly Exhibitions & Criticisms exists in connection with
the School

        ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧

        “The Green Sheaf”

Three Park Mansions Arcade, Knightsbridge,
London, S.W.

        ❧ ❧ ❧

MISS Pamela Colman Smith & Mrs Fortescue have opened
a shop for the sale of Hand Coloured Prints, Engravings,
Drawings, Pictures & Books.

Orders promptly executed for Christmas & Invitation Cards,
Menus, Ball Programmes, Book Plates & and every kind of Deco-
rative Printing & Hand Colouring.

Sign Boards painted, Rooms decorated & Book Illustrating.

The Gallery

Once Princes Terrace, Hereford Road, W

        ❧ ❧ ❧

JOHN BAILLIE requests Readers of the Venture to honour his
Gallery by a visit. Exhibitions of Modern Art held monthly. The
introduction of the work of young and little-known artists is a special
feature of the Gallery. The Gallery is open each day (Sundays excepted)
from 10 to 6 o’clock and admission is free.

What the Press says of the Gallery:

THE Exhibition just opened by Mr John Baillie fully equals in interest the many
shows he has organized at his Gallery in the past.— Morning Post, Sep. 29, 1904

    One has learned to expect something fresh and attractive in the picture
exhibitions which Mr John Baillie holds from time to time at Princes
Terrace, and his first autumn show, which opens to-day, well maintains the
reputation of his Gallery.— Daily Chronicle, September 29, 1904

    There is an outlying Gallery in Bayswater (Mr Baillie’s at 1 Princes
Terrace) where some interesting work has been shown during the last two
years.— Saturday Review, July 23, 1904

    One of the most interesting of the many interesting exhibitions which
Mr John Baillie has held in his Gallery at Princes Terrace, Bayswater, was
that of Mr Charles Agard, etc.— The Studio, September, 1904

    Mr John Baillie, in the Gallery, Princes Terrace, continues to arrange
shows of genuine interest.— Art Journal, March, 1904

    The Gallery of John Baillie is always more or less productive of a show,
the chief interest of which often lies in the introduction of a new man.— The
Queen, June 14, 1904

    Mr John Baillie has a wonderfully happy knack of discovering unusually
good artists, with whom the public at large is unfortunately too little ac-
quained as a rule. — World, March 16, 1904

    Mr Baillie’s Gallery is now well known to Londoners who wish to see
what our younger and less conventional artists are doing.— Manchester
Guardian, September 29, 1904

    The little pilgrimage to Mr Baillie’s Gallery at 1 Princes Terrace is
thoroughly worth making.— Standard, April 1, 1904

    The Connoisseur will generally find something of interest at Mr John
Baillie’s Gallery. — Vanity Fair, February 4, 1904

    Mr Baillie’s Galleries are the most artistic in town, and the lover of art-
istic things should never pass his doors,— Academy and Literature, Jan. 2, 1904

MLA citation:

Advertisements. The Venture: an Annual of Art and Literature, vol. 2, 1905, [i-vi]. Venture Digital Edition, edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2019-2022. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2022,