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Advertisements (Savoy Volume 2)

                                                         THE SAVOY—ADVERTISEMENTS                                               203

A New Illustrated Quarterly. Edited by Arthur Symons.
No. I. JANUARY, 1896.
170 pages, 18 full-page Illustrations, and 5 Illustrations in the Text.
Crown quarto, bound in pictorial cover, 2S. 6d. net .

No. I. contains literary contributions by G. Bernard Shaw, Frederick Wedmore, Paul Verlaine, Max Beerbohm, Ernest Dowson, Aubrey Beardsley, Havelock Ellis, W. B. Yeats, Rudolf Dircks, Mathilde Blind, Joseph Pennell, Humphrey James, Selwyn Image, and the Editor. The illustra¬ tions include work by Charles H. Shannon, Charles Conder, Joseph Pennell, Louis Oury, W. Rothenstein, F. Sandys, J. McNeill Whistler, Max Beerbohm, Jacques E. Blanche, J. Lemmen, and Eleven Drawings by Aubrey Beardsley.


       “There is not an article in the volume that one can put down without feeling the better and the purer for it…. should be on every schoolroom table; every mother should present it to her daughter, for it is bound to have an ennobling and purifying influence.”— Punch.
       “The first number of a new literary and artistic venture is before us. We should describe it briefly as a ‘ Yellow Book’ redeemed of its puerilities—as a ‘ Pageant’ in which the illustrations are mainly original. The audacious ‘decadence’ of Mr. Aubrey Beardsley cannot blind the critic to the splendid decorative effect of his composition, his pattern, his ‘ idea.’ The caricature of Mr. Beerbohm Tree by his younger brother, Max Beerbohm, is very delightful, without transcending the bounds of good taste. The eighteenth century sketch by Charles Conder wears the very spirit of the time. Of the literary contents Mr. Bernard Shaw’s witty diatribe on ‘Going to Church’ is the most purely literary, while Mr. Arthur Symons’ verses perhaps give us the most content. Articles of considerable note are contributed by Messrs. Havelock Ellis and Selwyn Image, while the inevitable ‘story-teller’ of the modern periodical is perhaps best found in Mr. Ernest Dowson. Not that Messrs. Wedmore, James, and Dircks are below the average of these things. Quite the contrary. Only somehow after Guy de Maupassant and Catulle Mendes, one feels that the English short story is never quite a success. The short poems by Mathilde Blind, W. B. Yeats, and Aubrey Beardsley are ‘of the quality,’ and the entire production does great credit to the editors, artistic and literary. The price, 2 s. 6d. y is singularly low, as rival works of the same type are $s. and 6s., without at any rate surpassing the attractiveness of ‘The Savoy.’ We wish our new contemporary good speed and—‘sempre avanti Savoya!’”— Sunday Times.
       “The best thing by far is Mr. Bernard Shaw’s article on ‘Going to Church,’ which, like everything written by this paradoxical author, is not only clever, but thoroughly sincere.”— The Times.
       “‘The Savoy’ declines to be considered an offshoot of the ‘Yellow Book,’ and although the contributors are the same, it is free from some of the offences of the older periodical. The colour of the cover is ugly, but the quarto page is handsome, and the volume is light. The chief feature is the first instalment of a story by Mr. Aubrey Beardsley, accompanied by some exceedingly clever illustrations by the writer. Mr. Yeats’s lines are characteristic of that notable writer. Mr. Symons contributes a clever article on Dieppe and a pleasant translation from Verlaine.”— The Athenæum.
       “Though Mr. Aubrey Beardsley contributes several clever illustrations, the new quarterly, called ‘The Savoy,’ is anything but a repetition of an old enterprise. In form and character the serial which issues from the house of Mr. Leonard Smithers is as novel as it can be. As to its ‘get up,’ it has a large page, yet is delightfully light in the hand. It is not thick; very little of the writing in it has the fault of diffuseness, which belongs generally to bulk; and while some of its contents are chiefly entertaining, others are of a not less worthy gravity. From a writer of the distinction of Mr. Arthur Symons we had good reason to expect refined and careful editing, nor are we disappointed of it. The commonplaces of literary pessimism and the easy ingenuities of an unsavoury subject (upon which reputations of a moment have been built, as upon sand), are alike absent from ‘The Savoy.’ There is here some vivid, highly-wrought prose and a good share of excellent verse, among which, at the present time, nothing will attract more attention than the editor’s own charmingly flexible translation of a poem from the ‘Fetes Galantes’ of Paul Verlaine.”— The Academy.
       “I am glad to notice, in the first number of ‘ The Savoy’ magazine, that Mr. Aubrey Beardsley has discovered a new type of woman. Unlike her predecessors in his artistic affections, she is almost pretty, and does not suggest that her nose is frequently in a trough.”— Sketch.

                        LEONARD SMITHERS, Effingham House, Arundel 

204                                               THE SAVOY—ADVERTISEMENTS

London Nights.      Poems by Arthur Symons.
Edition consists of 500 Small Paper copies on Large Post 8vo deckle-edged paper, bound in dark green cloth, at Six Shillings net per copy; and 50 Large Paper copies on Royal 8vo handmade paper, bound in dark green buckram, at One Guinea net per copy. Printed at the Chiswick Press.

                                    PRESS NOTICES ON “LONDON NIGHTS.”

“Those who have learned from his former volumes to know Mr. Symons as a careful maker of melodious verse, not without a gift of direct vision, and often distinguished by some felicity of expression, will open, as we did, his new book of poems with considerable expectations. Nor will any student of verse, simply as verse, be disappointed. Mr. Symons is no unskilled metricist. He has learned the secret of the melody of simple metres, and he uses his knowledge often with unquestionable success. He has learned, too, the value of simplicity of language, and in such verse as ‘White Magic,’ ‘ Memory,’ and ‘At the Ambassadeurs, ’ he hits the mark .”—Saturday Review.
“‘London Nights,’ by Arthur Symons, is a very dainty, very clever volume of verses, mainly descriptive of various female characters—fickle, fleeting, beautiful, intensely human, and of course, not unsuspectable, and therefore tormentingly unsatisfactory .”—Glasgow Herald.
“‘Nuits de Londres,’ ainsi s’intitule le nouveau livre du délicat et vivant poète. Mais n’allez pas en conclure à des ténèbres de ‘fog’ et de ‘mist,’ a des scènes lugubres ou brutales. Imaginez ou, comme dit l’Anglais, ‘réalisez,’ au contraire, tout le raffinement et tout l’éclat de la vie nocturne d’un fantaisiste élégant, épris du joli, du coquet—et du Beau, parmi les splendeurs d’un Londres intelligemment viveur, d’un Londres moderne à l’extrême et le plus parisien possible, avec la nuance anglaise, toutefois, distinction suprême, veux-je le dire, dans le style, joyeux parfois, léger, qui sait sourire et badiner sans jamais ‘ s’emballer ’ jusqu’à même un soupçon de gaieté quelque peu grasse.”— Paul Verlaine, in the Revue Encyclopédique.

Silhouettes.    By Arthur Symons.
Second edition. Carefully revised and enlarged by the addition of Nineteen New Poems. Uniform with “London Nights.”
Mr. Symons’ new volume of Poems, printed at the Chiswick Press, is now ready for delivery. The edition consists of 400 Small Paper copies on Large Post 8vo deckle-edged paper, bound in dark green cloth, at Five Shillings net per copy; and 15 Large Paper copies on Royal 8vo handmade paper, bound in dark green buckram, at One Guinea net per copy.

“There is enough new matter in the new edition of Mr. Arthur Symons’ ‘Silhouettes’ to make the second edition of that collection of decadent lyrics a different book from what it was when it first came out.”— Scotsman.

The Rape of the Lock.    By Alexander Pope.
Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley.
Mr. Leonard Smithers begs to announce the publication of an Édition de Luxe of the above famous Poem, printed at the Chiswick Press, in Crown 4to size, on old style paper, illustrated with nine elaborate drawings by Mr. Aubrey Beardsley, and bound in a specially designed cloth cover. (For Specimen Drawing see page hi in this volume). The edition is a limited one, and the price is Ten Shillings and Sixpence net per copy. Twenty-five copies are printed on Japanese Vellum, and are offered at Two Guineas net per copy. Only 5 copies on Japanese Vellum now remain unsubscribed for. Now ready.

Orchids.    Poems by Theodore Wratislaw.
Edition consists of 250 Small Paper copies on Foolscap 8vo deckle-edged paper, bound in cream-coloured art linen, at Five Shillings net per copy; and 10 copies printed on Japanese Vellum, at One Guinea net per copy. Printed at the Chiswick Press. Now ready.

                                                           THE SAVOY—ADVERTISEMENTS                                              205

Caprices.    Poems by Theodore Wratislaw.
Edition consists of 100 copies on Foolscap 8vo hand-made paper, bound in parchment, at Five Shillings net per copy; and 20 copies on Japanese Vellum, in similar binding, at One Guinea net per copy.
  The few remaining copies have been transferred to me, from their late Publishers, by the Author.
“Mr. Wratislaw uses the most difficult metres, the least manageable verse forms, with the rarest facility. . . . . However bizarre the subject matter, the manner is admirably sedate, admirably restrained. . . . . His ear is curiously sensitive, and if he rarely obtains absolute orchestration, he produces delicious melodies, as it were, on violin and flute. It may well be that Mr. Wratislaw’s book will be found shocking to some, irritating to many. Some emphatic impression, whether of pain or of pleasure, it will leave on all.”—C. T. J. Hiatt, in Artist, January, 1894.

Nocturnes and Pastorals.    Poems by A. Bernard Miall.
Edition consists of 400 copies on Large Post 8vo deckle-edged paper, bound in dark green cloth, at Five Shillings net per copy. Printed at the Chiswick Press. Now ready.

The Life and Times of Madame Du Barry.
By Robert B. Douglas.
A limited edition in one volume, with a portrait of Madame Du Barry finely engraved upon wood, 394 pages, Demy 8vo, bound in blue cloth with armorial cover design by Aubrey Beardsley. Now ready.
                                          Price SIXTEEN SHILLINGS net per copy.

VERSES. By Ernest Dowson.
THE PIERROT OF THE MINUTE. A Dramatic Phantasy by Ernest Dowson.
LA FILLE AUX YEUX D’OR. Translated from the French of Honors de Balzac by Ernest Dowson, and illustrated with Six Designs by Charles Conder, finely engraved upon wood.
THE FOOL AND HIS HEART. A Novel by F. Norreys Connell.
CARICATURES OF TWENTY-FIVE GENTLEMEN. By Max Beerbohm. Finely engraved upon wood. (For specimen, see p. 161 in this volume.)
A BOOK OF BARGAINS. Stories by Vincent O’Sullivan.
A NEW VOLUME OF VERSE. By Arthur Symons.

                              Circulars of any of the above books will be sent on application to

LEONARD SMITHERS, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C.

MLA citation:

“Advertisements.” The Savoy, vol. 2 April 1896, pp. 203-206. Savoy Digital Edition, edited by Christopher Keep and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2018-2020. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.