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Image is a young man showing a harp to a queen He is wearing a cloak with a hood overtop a detailed robe There is…


Image is of several people gathered around to watch a boat There are two men wearing dark clothing in the extreme foreground of the image.…


Image is of a dirt road On the right side of the image is a building with three chimneys A smaller darker building is beside…


Image is of two girls Hermia and Helena from William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream sitting on a bench indoors Both girls are wearing identical…


Image is of an older woman shown in profile She is looking to the left She is wearing a light coloured dress it has a…


Image is of a profile of a woman She is shown from the chest up facing left She is wearing an ornate flower and polka…


Image is of a figure sitting cross legged wearing long-sleeved patterned clothing an ornate turban and a beaded necklace. The figures left hand is raised…


Image is of a child flying on the back of a butterfly He has his legs crossed his arms are extended away from his body.…


Image is of five naked girls dancing in a circle in the foreground They are all holding hands They are on a beach waves can…


Back cover is divided vertically into two sections by the chain of an anchor The anchor separates the Literature list on the left from Art…