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Image is an angular rendering of many boats floating offshore The land has several peninsulas the boats are floating near the shortest one


The image is of a tall wooden ship sailing in human skull infested dark waters surrounded by three snake like creatures or serpents The ship…


Image is of a pudgy dwarf clad completely in yellow with yellow skin He is wearing a black mask that covers his eyes it has…


Back cover is divided vertically into two sections by the chain of an anchor The anchor separates the Literature list on the left from Art…


Image is of five women in a yard All of the women are wearing dresses with a high neckline and long sleeves They all have…


Image is of a woman shown full frontal She has dark hair a veil covers much of it She has two long ornaments that hang…


Image is of four women possibly deities The tallest woman is in the upper middle ground looking over the others She has her eyes closed…


Image is of a woman sleeping She is wearing a patterned gown with a décolleté neckline Her hands are clasped resting on her lap


Image is of a woman and child The woman is shown in ¾ face from the waist up Her hair is secured in a low…


Image is of a woman standing in profile among four branchless leafless trees Her posture is quite straight though her head is tilted downward Her…